Well, hold the phone. The Teacher Book Wizard at Scholastic.com is a search engine which links to a database with the level information for over 50,000 texts. You can find out the Grade Level Equivalent, Lexile Measure, Guided Reading, or DRA level of a text, and you can also search for texts that are about a similar subject and/or on a similar reading level. That means that if I have a student who loves Key to the Treasure by Peggy Parish, I can search for similar books that are on his guided reading level. Alternatively, if I have another student who would love to read Key to the Treasure but hasn't reached that reading level yet, I can search for books that are similar but on a lower guided reading level as well. In addition, there is a forum for teachers to post text sets and reading lists of books they enjoy and read the posts that other teachers have put up.
But, wait, there's more! All of this comes to you for the low, low price of...FREE. That's right - FREE. You can't beat that. I totally recommend that you go and check it out today!